Student AwardsIn order to encourage student scholarship at annual meetings, the Pacific Division has for over three decades offered Awards of Excellence to students who make superior presentations of their research, either orally or as posters. To be eligible for an Award of Excellence, the student must be:
Sectional Awards*First Place: $150.00 plus an Award Certificate. *First Place requires a judging pool of at least 3 competitors. Second Place requires a judging pool of at least 6 competitors. Third Place requires a judging pool of at least 9 competitors. Division-Wide AwardsDivision-wide Awards are given to students whose research and presentations, poster or oral, are judged superior. Ordinarily, the pool of candidates for division-wide awards comes from among the First Place sectional winners. With the exception of the AAAS: Robert I. Larus Travel Award, no student may be awarded more than one Sectional Award and one Division-wide Award. division-wide award winners (except winners of the Larus Travel Award) receive an amount of money to total $250 including the money they are awarded as a sectional winner. Additionally, they recive an Award Certificate for this achievement. Winners of the AAAS: Robert I. Larus Travel Award receive reimbursement for travel and lodging up to $1,000 to attend the AAAS National Meeting the following February in order to present their award-winning paper as a poster. Laurence M. Klauber Award